Interesting Videos/Readings
Interesting Videos, readings and resources from district Teacher only days, guest speakers, professional Learning Days or local events.
2024 Teacher Only Day: Guest Speakers
Click on the names above to be taken to their websites for more information.
2022 Inspiration Day
Guest Speaker
Our Inspiration Day Guest Speaker was Emma Jensen. Check out the great write up about her in the NZ Herald/HB Today on August 14th, 2022.
Thank you Emma for speaking at out Inspiration Day!
Click here for the full article.
PōWhiri - Hongi to Hangi
Watch Hongi To Hāngī: And Everything In Between | TVNZ+
This show (1hr) goes through the pōhiri/pōwhiri process explaining the process. This is an easy to watch explanation and is suitable for staff and students. Like always, please preview yourself before showing to students.
A community initiative, bringing people in our community together with the purpose of supporting and inspiring our tamariki.
Video link Created in 2020
Dr. Lara Boyd - Neuroplasticity
Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the brain you want.
Andrew McAfee
Robots and algorithms are getting good at jobs like building cars, writing articles, translating jobs that once required a human. So what will we humans do for work? Andrew McAfee walks through recent labour data to say: We ain't seen nothing yet. But then he steps back to look at big history, and comes up with a surprising and even thrilling view of what comes next.
James Nottingham
Challenging Learning: The Learning Pit is a celebrated way to help develop challenge, resilience and a growth mindset. This animation helps to explain exactly how to use it with your students.